Admin Asst 人工有幾多?

2007-02-08 5:20 am
大學純理科畢業,有二年工作經驗,Apply Admin Asst 大約有幾多人工?
HK$13000 算係一個咩水平?

同埋contract base 既人工係咪會高過perm??

回答 (2)

2007-02-08 5:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
$13000 is a very high salary in Hong Kong. Most U grads only gets $8000. You have 2 years working experience its good, but if it's not admin experience i dont know if they would be ok with it. Hong Kong employers are very stubborn they expect you to have experience..they dont understand the fact that you wont get any experience if you dont have a chance to work. I would suggest you to apply for jobs that're related to science. contract base 既人工係咪會高過perm?? not absolutely it depends on the boss.
2007-02-08 11:01 pm

contract base點鮮會高過perm呢?

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