F.1 English's I.S. 好簡單!只要答3條問題!真的送10分~最佳解答20分!急要!唔該幫幫手!

2007-02-08 4:12 am
1.(a) What is the transitional stage of delopment from the boy to the young ma called?
(b)(i) What hormine causes changes in the body of the young man compared with the boy?

(c) Besides the above changes in the body, what psychological (心理上) changes occur during the stage named in (a)? Give TWO examples.


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回答 (2)

2007-02-09 8:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
(a) The transitional stage of development from a boy to a young man is called PUBERTY - the period of first becoming capable of reproducing sexually in human physiology.

(b)(i) It is called androgen(男性荷爾蒙), referring to any of a group of hormones that mainly influence the development of the male reproductive system. Androgens cause the normal changes of puberty in boys' bodies and then influence sperm-cell formation, sexual interest and behaviour, and male pattern baldness. The main and most active androgen is testosterone(睾丸素), produced by cells in the testes.

(c) development of sexual feelings
efforts toward the construction of identity
and a progression from concrete to abstract thought

Adolescence is sometimes viewed as a transitional state, during which youths begin to separate themselves from their parents but still lack a clearly defined role in society. It is generally regarded as an emotionally intense and often stressful period.
參考: Brittanica Concise Encyclopedia
2007-02-08 4:24 am
1)(b)(i) male sex hormone
1)(c)become more interested in the opposite gender
the second I will think it later...

2007-02-07 20:26:25 補充:
want to know more about issues over sex topic

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