
2007-02-08 3:02 am
最後想問,如果我想搵某d分行既櫃檯職員,分行經理/HR manager做訪問,有咩方法呢??或者我應該要打電話俾咩人做申請呢???希望你們可以幫我解這些疑問!!

我想知道分行裡面邊d職員可以被歸納為front- line staff呀???個d做卓越理才既職員同埋係星期日返工個d員工算唔算係front-line staff呀???如果我想知大概每間分行平均有幾多名員工可唔可以打去總行個到問嫁???會唔會有人話我知呢????

回答 (2)

2007-02-08 6:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實HSBC每間分行有幾多職員好視乎分行的大小, 外人根本唔能夠知道每間分行人數。
至於級別, 就真係間間分行唔同, 好似一般銀行服務的分行, 卓越理財中心, 日夜理財中心等等, 都未必話間間有Teller or Branch Manager。如果一般來說, 會有Counter Service Officer(Teller), Customer Service Officer, Financial Service Officer, Financial Service Manager, Financial Planning Manager, Customer Service Manager, Relationship Manager, Branch Manager同埋Clerk等等, post就好多, 但其實都係睇番Grading, 例如分行A的Counter Service Officer的Grading可能會同分行B的Customer Service Manager一樣。
櫃檯職員後面個d職員多數係Supervisor, post有d係manager, 有d都一樣係teller,不過高grade可以做到大額d的transaction
星期日提供服務既分行都只係提供理財服務, 多數都會係負責Sales的職員, 好少會有teller。延長左服務時間,星期六同星期日開的分行咪會平日補假比職員, 或者要第二間分行的職員去幫手, 其實都有請好多part-time職員。
至於做訪問就真係唔知點樣申請, 我諗多數要搵熟人介紹。

2007-02-10 22:13:40 補充:
其實基本上分行絕大部份的Staff都叫做front-line staff, 不論係卓越理財定係你晌星期日見到的Staff, 就算你平日晌分行見到晌teller後面的人都係front-line staff, 除左晌分行back-office的clerk同cashier都勉強可以話唔算係front-line. 如果你真係想知道多d資料, 我諗你可以打去HSBC Hotline - 27483322問下有咩渠道可以得到有關資料, 若果你自行去分行問或者話要見經理做訪問, 相信無人會答到你, 職員都只係會叫你留低資料幫你問下再覆你, 不如試下打去hotline先啦。
2007-02-10 6:39 am
HSBC Holdings is a public limited company incorporated in England and Wales.
Headquartered in London, the HSBC group operates in five regions: Europe; Hong Kong; the rest of Asia Pacific; including the Middle East and Africa; North America; and South America.
The entities which form the HSBC Group provide a comprehensive range of financial services to personal, commercial, corporate, institutional and investment, cards, mortgages, loans, insurance, financial planning, international service, and private banking clients. To more easily promote the Group as a whole, HSBC was established as a uniform, international brand name in 1999. In 2002, HSBC launched a campaign to differentiate its brand from those of its competitors by describing the unique characteristics which distinguish HSBC, summarised by the words 'The world's local bank'.
References to HSBC on this website refer to the HSBC Group of discrete legal entities, each of which is wholly or partly owned by HSBC Holdings plc. HSBC’s largest and best-known subsidiaries and their primary areas of operation are:
(你要translation o係補充到講聲, 我會番一下)

其實你所有問題, 都可以 問分行經理, 聯絡方法好簡單,
去分行, 同人講 想搵分行經理, 了解一下HSBC既資料,
因為你想 番工/ 做research/ 身為customer想了解多d,
呢d情況, 佢一定會見你, 但就要Book個時間。

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