
2007-02-08 2:35 am
聽說奶泵泵奶會縮胸,是否真的? 因別人說不要用奶泵泵奶,請問有沒有人用了真的縮胸?

回答 (2)

2007-02-08 2:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
絕對不會。 準備定奶給BB是最重要, 其次可助乳線通順,不會產生由谷奶造成胸和腋下疼痛,最重要戴有承托力的胸圍 , 常常替乳房按摩。
2007-02-09 9:36 am
When I was feed bb, I use pump to see how many oz milk I can produce. Using pump cannot make your balls smaller. I don't have this problem.

When you feeding your bb, you ball will be bigger than before, this is normal ga. If you stopped to feed your bb, than your balls will be empty, so they look smaller than before. The size will be the same as before pregnant.

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