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A national emblem symbolically represents a nation. Most national emblems originate in the natural world, (as animals, say, or birds), but another object may serve.
National emblems may appear on many thing such as the national flag, coat of arms, or other patriotic materials. One should not confuse a formal national emblem with less formal symbols potentially associated with tourism or clichés, for example windmills in the Netherlands. Even though, many unofficial symbols are as important as the official ones - or even more, since some of them are recognized as "symbols" by the people spontaneously, what may not happen with the official symbols. Official symbols are defined by law, which guarantee the proper use of them.
瑞士(德語: die Schweiz; 法語: la suisse; 意大利語: Svizzera; 羅曼語: Svizra),全名為瑞士邦聯 (德語: Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft; 法語: Confédération suisse;意大利語: Confederazione Svizzera;羅曼語: Confederaziun svizra),係一個位於中歐嘅邦聯制國家(唔好混淆邦聯同聯邦),同德國、法國、意大利、奧地利及列支敦士登接壤。瑞士亦都係世界著名嘅中立國,歷史上一直保持政治同軍事上嘅中立,但係佢同亦都參與國際事務,好多國際性組織嘅總部都設喺瑞士。
瑞士嘅ISO 3166雙羅馬字母國家代號係CH,咾個代號係黎自法語 confédération helvétique同拉丁語 Confœderatio Helvetica。