
2007-02-08 2:14 am
1)are you smoker or non- smoker??(唔食煙應該點答?)
2)Is smoking good or bad for you?What is your opinion?
3)Do you think any parts of the smoking ban should be changed?
[for example ,most bridges in HK are half-closed and half-opened]
4)What is the benefit to HK people of the smoking ban?
5)Is it unfair for the smokers to have a somking ban??
6)Do you think enforcement of the smoking ban is effective?
7)Anything else you would like to discuss??

回答 (3)

2007-02-08 2:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) No I'm not a smoker. OR No I do not smoke.
2) Smoking is bad for you. There's no question about it.
3) Yes, it should be more lenient, for example, people should be allowed to smoke in more bars.
4) Cleaner air for children. Better overall health condition, which will result in less tax dollars wasted in treating smoking-related diseases.
5) Yes it is unfair, but it is also unfair for non-smokers to endure the risk of secondhand smoke.
6) Somehow it is effective, but smokers have also been co-operative, demonstrating self-discipline to avoid smoking in banned areas.
7) What's interesting is that after the smoking ban, smokers now gather in front of restaurants and shops to smoke, which is even more annoying to passer-bys as Hong Kong's streets are crowded and sidewalk narrow.
2016-01-15 10:57 am
2007-02-08 2:35 am
1. 我是吸煙者
2. 好就唔講得,不過做野或同人出來飲野傾計,吸煙會比較好d
3. 公園就應該全面禁煙啦,要食咪出公園食囉,我覺得政府真係好做唔做。
4. 食肆全面禁煙係好,起碼同小朋友去都唔怕隔離有人吸煙,可惜好多茶餐廳因為咁而少左好多下午茶生意。
5. 其實吸煙與不吸煙應該由餐廳自己決定,非吸煙者可以選擇去非吸煙食肆,對吸煙者會公平一點。
6. 見人見志
7. 食肆全面禁煙,但係好多茶餐廳就開個位在行人路比人一邊食飯、一邊食煙,但係又無人理。政府是否應該注意一下呢 !!

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