Baby blood type must same as mother????

2007-02-08 1:50 am
Baby blood type must same as mother????If same as father ,any problem???

回答 (2)

2007-02-08 2:19 am
✔ 最佳答案

At a glance, it looks simple but actually the blood types of the baby varies and could have a lot of combination. It really depends on the genetic content of the parents.

Genetic Content of the blood types
Type A = AA or AO
Type B= BB or BB
Type O= must be OO
Type AB= must AB

Scenario 1
Both of parents are Type O
The baby will receive an O gene from both of the parents
i.e. The genetic content of the baby = OO which is blood type O.

Scenario 2
Both of the parents are Type A but also AA genetically
The baby will receive an A gene from both of the parents
i.e. The genetic content of the baby = AA which is blood type A.

Scenario 3
Both of the parents are Type A but also AO genetically
The baby will receive either an A or O gene from father and mother
i.e. The genetic content of the baby
= AA which is blood type A.
= AO which is blood type A
= OO which is blood type O
Their ratio= AA: AO: OO =2:1: 1
But both AA & AO belong to Blood Type A
Therefore Type A : Type O = 3:1

(will continue later)

2007-02-07 21:15:59 補充:
Scenario 4Both of the parents are Type B but also BB geneticallyThe baby will receive an B gene from both of the parentsi.e. The genetic content of the baby = BB which is blood type B.

2007-02-07 21:27:20 補充:
Scenario 5Its parents are Type B but also BO geneticallyIt receives either an B or O gene from dad & momi.e. The genetic content of the baby= BB type B or = BO type B or = OO type OTheir ratio= BB: BO: OO = 2:1: 1, But both BB & BO belong to Type B Type B : Type O = 3:1

2007-02-07 21:31:18 補充:
Scenario 6Its parents are Type A but genetically different AA & AOThe baby must belong to Type AScenario 7 Its parents are Type B but genetically different BB & BOThe baby must belong to Type B

2007-02-07 22:58:09 補充:
Scenario 8Parents are Type AB Baby must be AA: BB: AB in ratio of 1:1:2 Type A: Type B: Type AB = 1:1:2

2007-02-07 23:14:23 補充:
Scenario 9Parents are Type O and Type A Baby will be all Type A (since parents are OO &r AA)or Baby will be either Type O ot Type A in ratio 1:1 (since parents are OO & AO)

2007-02-07 23:15:27 補充:
Scenario 10Parents are Type O and Type B> Baby will be all Type B (since parents are OO & BB)or>Baby will be either Type O ot Type B in ratio 1:1 (since parents are OO & BO)

2007-02-07 23:18:26 補充:
Scenario 11Parents are Type AB and Type A Baby will belong to Type AB or Type A (since parents are AB & AA)or Baby will be either Type AB, Type A or Type B in ratio 1:2:1 (since parents are AB & AO)

2007-02-07 23:20:27 補充:
Scenario 12Parents are Type AB and Type B Baby will belong to Type AB or Type B in ratio 1:1 (since parents are AB & BB)or Baby will be either Type AB, Type B or Type A in ratio 1:2:1 (since parents are AB & BO)

2007-02-07 23:24:07 補充:
Scenario 13Parents are Type AB and Type O Baby will belong to Type A or Type B in ratio 1:1(since parents are AB & OO)

2007-02-07 23:42:59 補充:
From above, it can be easily concluded that the baby's blood type MAY NOT be same as that of mother. In some of the cases, the baby's blood type is idential to that of his father.

2007-02-07 23:43:57 補充:
eg.1 (scenario 9) Mother--Type O & Father---Type A Baby can either be Type O(same as Mother) or Type A (same as Father)eg.2 (scenario 6 ) Mother (AA) & Father (AO) are Type A Baby can be all Type A (same as Mother & Father)
參考: memory from the biology lessons
2007-02-08 1:54 am
Either same as mother or father, chance is 50/50.
Same as father of course no problem, it's very normal.

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