F.1 English's I.S.

2007-02-08 1:47 am
Fill in the blanks
1. ____________ is a structure that can protect a plant cell.
2. Single celled living things usually reproduce by _____________.
3. During sexual intercourse, the penis of the male is put into the vagina of the female. A liquid containing sperms is released. Sperms swim from the vagina to the __________
and then reach the ____________________________. If an egg is present, a sperm will join with it. This process is called ____________.

4.A foetus is joined to the placenta by the _________. The foetus obtains __________________ and ________ from the placenta. 5.AIDS can be infected via _____________, ________________________ and from the mother to the developing foetus during pregnancy.


6.Sperms are produced by tests and are transport to the urethre via ___________________.

回答 (2)

2007-02-08 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
F.1~!? I.S.~!?
似F.4,5 wor~!

1. Cell wall
2. binary fission
3. uterus, oviducts, fertilization
4. umbilical cord, nutrients, oxygen
5. blood, sexual intercourse

唔知o岩唔o岩 lei~
參考: 自己
2007-02-08 1:50 am
1. cell wall
2. division
3. uterus .x. fertilized eggs
參考: only my knowledge

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