
2007-02-08 12:35 am

回答 (2)

2007-02-08 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Without a copy of the facility letter from the bank, I only have a general idea what you want to say. Perhaps the following can help.

"The landlord should check whether he/she has to seek consent of the mortgagee bank before letting the premises. Should the landlord inform the bank his/her intention to let the premises, the bank may charge a higher interest rate on the loan."
2007-02-08 10:10 am
理論上, 一層普通有做銀行按揭的住宅樓, 是不能出租的, 除非有 bank consent。

但香港的住宅租賃中, 十居其九, 都是沒有 bank consent的。

有人問, 那些租約仍是有效嗎 ?


簡單來說, 若沒有 bank consent, 而業主沒有能力供樓, 而物業淪為銀主盤時, 租客就不能藉這份租約佔用這物業, 即是說, 這份租約會失效!

但若業主有能力供樓, 而物業不是銀主盤時, 這份租約仍會有效!

理論上, 為保障自身權益, 租客要找有 bank consent 的樓才好去租!

但實務上, 若租客有此堅持, 他應很難找到樓, 因香港的住宅租賃中, 十居其九, 都是沒有 bank consent的。

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 16:39:02
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