
2007-02-08 12:22 am

地球沒了,我們人類又會不會搬到別的星球去住.還是 人類就 這樣消失了..............................................................

回答 (3)

2007-02-08 3:52 am
世界末日是 2012 12 22
2007-02-08 12:57 am
Due to air pollution, air pollutants such as Sulphur dioxide, Carcon dioxide, Nitrogen oxides, suspended particles are give out. The carbon dioxide is trapped in the atmosphere, so called Greenhouse Effect. Because of Green House Effect, the air becomes warmer and warmer, Global Warming occurs. When Global Warming occurs, the ice on the North or South Pole will melt and the countries or cities nearby will be covered by water. By common sense, you can think that the Earth is going to be destroyed by ourselves.

So, from now on, Protect our Earth!

You can watch the movie - "The Day After Tomorrow" and you will know more about it.
參考: Common Knowledge of Geography
2007-02-08 12:27 am

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