-你有冇搞錯呀- 英文點講 ?

-你有冇搞錯呀- 英文點講 ? 有冇d口語化d既呢?

回答 (6)

2007-02-07 9:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. You can't be serious !

2. Are you sure ?
跟1)比較下, 較formal
參考: me
2007-02-08 1:17 am
What's wrong with you?

2007-02-07 10:03 pm
The most casual:
What the xxxx is wrong with you???
(xxxx is not allowed to write in public I think)

Or more polite:
what the heck is wrong with you?
參考: self
2007-02-07 9:59 pm
Is anything going wrong with you
2007-02-07 9:25 pm
Are you crazy?
What's this all about?
You must be mad!
Oh, my God!
No, you must be joking.
2007-02-07 9:21 pm
你有冇搞錯呀的口語化是 (got damn)

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