香港交通工具的歷史 〔PROJECT〕

2007-02-07 7:16 pm
姐係巴士.... 人力車呀...果D....
P.S 如果搵到ENG就最好啦 =〕THX

回答 (3)

2007-02-07 7:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案


The Peak Tram

The Peak Tramway (Traditional Chinese: 山頂纜車) is a funicular railway in Hong Kong, which carries both tourists and residents to the upper levels of Hong Kong Island. It provides the most direct route and offers good views over the harbour and skyscrapers of Hong Kong.
The Peak Tram runs from St. John's Building in Central to Victoria Peak via the Mid-Levels, with four request stops in between to serve local residents. The track is about 1,365 metres long and the tram takes seven minutes to reach The Peak.
The lower terminus station is located in Central on Garden Road. The original station was incorporated into St. John's Building, with the tram terminus at the ground level. The upper terminus is located as part of the Peak Tower complex at Victoria Gap.



The Peak Tram, Kennedy Road Station
There are only two full stations on the Peak Tram route, and four intermediate stations, which consist of concrete steps and a shelter:

Cotton Tree Drive Terminal (St. John's Building): A full station at the bottom end of the route.
Kennedy Road: An intermediate station and named for former Governor Arthur Edward Kennedy
Macdonnell Road: An intermediate station named for former Governor Richard Graves MacDonnell
May Road: An intermediate station named for former Governor Francis Henry May
Barker Road: An intermediate station named for Lieutenant General G. D. Barker, the commander of the British Forces in Hong Kong
Peak Terminal: A full station at the top end of the route.

The Peak Tram first opened for public service in 1888, at which time it used a static steam engine to power the haulage cable. In 1926 the steam engine was replaced by an electric motor. In 1989 the system was comprehensively rebuilt, with new track, a computerized control system and new two-car trams with a capacity of 120 passengers per tram. It was first used only for residents of Victoria Peak.



Commencing the climb
The Peak Tram uses rail gauge of 1520 mm (5 ft). There is a single track, except for the middle section. Two trams move in opposite directions, pass each other in the dual-track middle section, and should reach the opposite termini simultaneously.
The Peak Tram is quick and safe since the tram is computer-controlled with an automatic system check on all safety devices before its journey begins. It is environmentally friendly as well due to its microprocessor-controlled electric drive system[citation needed].
At the track's steepest point, the cars run at an incline of 27 degrees. Few self-powered vehicles can climb such steep incline if not pulled by a cable.

Fleet Data

First Generation cars (1888) - wooden car
Third Generation cars (1956) - all metal
Gangloff 2X2 cars (1989) - Von Roll Transport System of Switzerland
2007-02-07 8:10 pm

Routing, Tram Schedule and Fare
Hongkong Tramways operates 6 main routes running between Kennedy Town and Shau Kei Wan everyday from 6:00 to 24:00. Our tram service maintains to have a tramcar depart in every 1.5 minutes during peak hours on average. Frequency on all routes will be adjusted to meet traffic's requirement.

The 6 routes are:- From To
Shau Kei Wan Western Market
Shau Kei Wan Happy Valley
North Point Whitty Street
Happy Valley Kennedy Town
Causeway Bay Kennedy Town
Western Market Kennedy Town

Tram Route Map

Traveling Time

(for reference only, actual travelling time depends on the actual traffic condition)
Departure / Arrival Western Market Causeway Bay Happy Valley North Point Shau Kei Wan
Kennedy Town 23 mins 55 mins 60 mins 70 mins 80 mins
Western Market - 35 mins 40 mins 50 mins 58 mins
Happy Valley 40 mins 5 mins - 35 mins 42 mins
Causeway Bay 35 mins - 5 mins 15 mins 25 mins
North Point 50 mins 15 mins 35 mins - 15 mins

Tram Schedule ( the first / last Tram)

(for reference only, actual schedule depends on actual traffic condition)
From Direction Mon-Fri Sat Sun & Public Holiday
Kennedy Town East 05:10-23:54 05:07-23:57 05:12-23:54
Western Market East 06:00-00:02 06:01-00:00 06:13-00:00
Happy Valley East 06:34-23:10 06:34-23:10 06:34-23:10
West 05:59-00:37 06:00-00:40 06:04-00:37
North Point West 06:07-23:17 05:20-23:17 06:07-23:17
Shau Kei Wan West 05:58-23:55 05:58-23:36 05:56-23:36


Tram is the most economical mode of transportation in Hong Kong. Regardless of distance, only HK$2.00 will be charged for each adult passenger. Senior citizens and children can enjoy a lower fare at HK$1.00. Every tram currently in service has been equipped with an Octopus reader located at the front exit of the tram. Monthly ticket is also available and being sold at Hongkong Tramways' Whitty Street tram depot, Causeway Bay and North Point terminus.

Tram stop

Hongkong Tramways serves to provide a convenient and safe waiting environment to our passengers. You can find a tram stop in an average of 250 meters intervals. Also, since 1980s, we have refurnished 24 tram stops by building back panels and more shelters.

電車公司經營6條主要路線連接堅尼地城至筲箕灣,每天早上6時至深夜12時不停為市民服務。我們竭力維持於繁忙時間平均每1分30秒之內有電車到達車站的目標 ;班次可能因交通情況而有所更改。




出發 / 到達 上環街市 銅鑼灣 跑馬地 北角 筲箕灣
堅尼地城 23 分鐘 55 分鐘 60 分鐘 70 分鐘 80 分鐘
上環街市 - 35 分鐘 40 分鐘 50 分鐘 58 分鐘
跑馬地 40 分鐘 5 分鐘 - 35 分鐘 42 分鐘
銅鑼灣 35 分鐘 - 5 分鐘 15 分鐘 25 分鐘
北角 50 分鐘 15 分鐘 35 分鐘 - 15 分鐘

電車班次 (最早及最尾電車班次)

方向 星期一至五 星期六 星期日及公眾徦期
堅尼地城 東行 05:10-23:54 05:07-23:57 05:12-23:54
上環街市 東行 06:00-00:02 06:01-00:00 06:13-00:00
跑馬地 東行 06:34-23:10 06:34-23:10 06:34-23:10
西行 05:59-00:37 06:00-00:40 06:04-00:37
北角 西行 06:07-23:17 05:20-23:17 06:07-23:17
筲箕灣 西行 05:58-23:55 05:58-23:36 05:56-23:36




電車公司致力提供既方便又安全的候車環境給乘客。 每隔大概二百五十公尺便能找到一個電車站,而且由八十年代開始,電車公司於有蓋車站進行翻新,在「開放式」的車站加上圍板,以免乘客擠出月台之外,發生意外。


2007-02-07 7:33 pm
1. 往來機場


網址︰ (機場快線)


2. 地下鐵路(地鐵)




3. 九廣東鐵(九鐵)



4. 巴士 (公共汽車)





5. 小巴(公共小型巴士)

香港的小巴分為專線和非專線兩種,專線小巴是綠黃色的,行走固定路線,乘客可在指定地點下車。上車時先付錢,不設找贖。非專線小巴則是紅黃色的,在車頭玻璃上掛有目的地和車費的牌子,需要下車時需提早通知司機,通常是說:「 XX有落。」下車付錢,司機有零錢找贖。

6. 的士(計程車)


7. 輕便鐵路(輕鐵)


自 從 輕 鐵 系 統 於 1 9 8 8 年 9 月 啟 用 以 來 , 至 今 路 線 已 擴 展 至 3 1 . 7 5 公 里 , 共 5 7 個 站 。 輕 鐵 部 共 有 輕 鐵 車 輛 1 1 9 架 , 每 架 輕 鐵 車 輛 可 載 客 二 百 餘 人 , 每 日 運 作 十 九 小 時 。 由 於 輕 鐵 採 用 開 放 式 收 費 系 統 , 乘 客 毋 須 經 閘 口 , 上 落 非 常 方 便 。

8. 電車

詳情可電2118 62415。

9. 山頂纜車



10. 渡輪


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