
2007-02-07 6:59 pm

因為我要在Korea & NEW YORK轉機 唔使check行李過海關嗎??


其實我要買手信比Anti,但又唔知送咩好~~~有咩好提議??? 我要去Detroit又未去過~都唔知有冇得買

回答 (7)

2007-02-15 12:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I just enter USA with 2 bags of 冬菇 last week. I didn't write down in the 海關 form. I got check under the x-ray for my bags.... they saw 冬菇.... no problem!!!!!

I saw a guy with a lot of jade; 海關 open and check. it seem like he is in trouble ! I don't know because I left!!!

when you wait on the line for the 海關 counter; an office will check your 海關 form (blue form) and ask you question (do you bring in any meat?.... etc.) . Sometime he mark (A) in your 海關 form; that mean you will go to another big room (X-ray) to check your bags. (that's what happen to me). A lady in front of me bring some Kimchi (korea food); she told the 海關 office; he said ok. Banana is not ok; I saw 海關 office trash it !

Most of everything chinese people want you can buy in USA. it just cost more $$$ and may not as good as in HK. 手信 is 手信; your anti doesn't care. 冬菇 is good. How about "A Pot / bucket of Gold" at 大班麵包西餅 is sound great for Chinese New Year!
you must hand carry; Chinese New Year.......... ma.... "a pot of gold".... how great !!
海關 office saw it; there is no problem to bring in to USA.

your bag will check in New York!

Have a nice vacation !!!

2007-02-15 10:58:52 補充:
海關 office... I mean 海關 officer.
2007-02-09 11:49 am
如果你去既係中部,可能無得賣,但係你會停 new york, 去 new york 買咪得囉,攪甘多野,就算唔洗俾 fine , 俾海關捉住搜身,係甘以攪一攪都可能要三五七個鐘。 甘你都制?
2007-02-08 9:37 am
if u have one pack and not too smelly that should be okay
of course no meat
2007-02-07 10:03 pm

2007-02-08 00:41:05 補充:
2007-02-07 7:33 pm
我經常往返香港和美國, 也常帶海味,帶過乾瑤柱,燕窩,鮑魚, 冬菇, 都沒問題, 只要不申報, 就應該可以過關. 不過如果被查行李而查到就可能被沒收, 所以最好用其他行李(如衣服)包藏.
2007-02-07 7:17 pm
我以前在美國住的, 也試過帶冬菇海味之類的東西。

嚴格來說, 這些都是不可以帶的。報了關, 海關人員會將海味没收。如果没有報關, 又覺得自己不會被查, 建議你不要報。但出去的時候, 記住唔好同海關人員有任何眼神的接觸, 要用好輕鬆的態度行過去, 這樣, 他們就不會叫你開行李的。
2007-02-07 7:06 pm

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