Found some thing out

2007-02-07 3:14 pm
I like a classmet but I feel he like me too. so how I going to found out?should I write a letter or do not thing? So what I'm going to do. and I feel he always look at be in the class.

I think he knew I like him. So he was so scare when he ready look at me. But I can't STARD winth him in pasonal reason. So should I just Write a letter tell him don't like me or do noting. And I need to know if he ready like me. Maybe can be a friend (A friend NOT A GIRL friend).

回答 (3)

2007-02-07 3:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案

如佢係好動活潑形, 妳不應比佢更主動. 應故意唔理佢.
見佢望住妳時, 可以firm 少少望返佢半秒, 然後若無其事咁望第2度...

目的係加強佢對你的好奇心. 信我, 男仔對一樣野 or 一個人的好奇心係佢最大的動力.
如果佢對你有意思, 又充滿好奇的話, 活潑的佢一定主動做d野

如果佢係文靜d 果d, 妳便不妨主動少少. 好似寫信 or 主勭傾下計, 討論功課 咩都好.

想講一句, 男仔係會比一d 同自己唔同性格的女孩子所吸引的!
wish you good luck. 希望幫到少少!
參考: me
2007-02-07 3:46 pm
如果妳對佢有意思, 咪多d同佢眼神交流lor. 你咁問得, 你一定唔想做主動啦, right? 如果妳唔想講比佢知你鐘意佢, 咪俾多d機會佢講lor. 佢成日望住妳, 妳咪望返佢lor (記得用d友善d的眼光, 唔好"客"親佢喎).
如果妳可以做主動的話, 咪問吓佢點解成日望住你lor. If he likes you, he will tell you la,
2007-02-07 3:20 pm
Look at him back and smile. In class break, joke with him and ask him why he is always looking at you?? Then, continue... to ask, "do you want to chase me?"

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