
2007-02-07 1:54 pm

回答 (3)

2007-02-07 3:29 pm
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我唸學校唔會迫你退學的, 但當你有咗BB的時候, 我相信唔洗學校叫你, 你都會自動退學的,
因為剛有BB的時候, 妳的身體會出現不同程度的變化, 會引致身體不適, 就算比妳可以勉強返學, 妳都沒有充足的精神上課啦.
其實妳有大把時間生BB啦, 也不需急在一時,
我建議妳考慮清楚, 想讀書的話...........生BB就等讀完書先啦
OTHERWISE, 生咗BB要照顧架, 邊有時間去讀書呀,
好好想清楚自己想讀書定係生BB 啦, 兩樣都係好事, 支持妳的決定架!
2007-02-07 2:55 pm
First think of this problem.If u want to be a teacher to teaching kids u suggest u dun do anything with ur husband.u know why.U will meet over a hundred everyday while u teaching and i am sure u busy as hell.Beside that if u do have a baby during the teaching period of time that ur having a baby wouldn't be a problem,but when the baby is born u will leave ur job to take care of the baby and in the past u been hard-working for school to get the provment to be a teacher.Which will became a waste.U r already 21 dude.Use some common senses.Kids is one of the most annoying things to take care of u can't leave the baby 24/7 at home.
參考: Me
2007-02-07 2:37 pm
Yes!I think so.
參考: me

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