
2007-02-07 1:16 pm



回答 (3)

2007-02-08 6:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can bring, but make sure you write "Canada Ginseng" on the packet. I lived in Australia more than 14 yrs and always bring them with me when I came back to HK. And my mum just took them to Sydney to my brothers last month.
But don't write American Ginseng, the custom won't let you in. Unless you write "Canada Ginseng", 100% ture.

2007-02-07 22:46:02 補充:
P.S. even you post it you need to write Canada Ginseng on the packet.
2007-02-08 1:50 am
I remember about 10 years there was a current affair program said that Australian custom should change the rule to allow people to bring in 花旗參, whether this rule has been changed I don't know. 花旗參 has a special term not just american ginseng.
The fact that it is not on the 擁帶物品紙 does not mean a thing. For it is herbal product so according to the 擁帶物品紙 you must declare it, then the custom will look at it and decide whether it is allowed to bring into the country or not. You should email the custom for clarification: [email protected]

寄去澳洲 - you still have to declare what you send. The custom may scan it or even open it. Even if it is allowed to import, you may need to pay tax for large quantity.
2007-02-07 5:17 pm
澳洲檢疫角色是由AQIS-澳洲檢疫及檢查服務(Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service)擔任。前往澳洲的旅客,進入入境海關區前皆會收到乙張入境旅客卡,這是一份法定文件,如果您攜有任何食物或植物或動物來源的貨物,請務實填報。

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