
2007-02-07 10:17 am

問題:Smoking should be banned in public area. (affirmative side)

要講3mins speech..

回答 (3)

2007-02-07 10:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your structure of your speech should be:

The introduction---clearly state what you are debating about, what you are going to say and introduce your ideas

Example of an introduction: Good morning (teachers), adjudicator and fellow students. Today the topic that we are going to debate about is that whether smoking should be banned in the public. As being a speaker on the positive team, my team and I STRONGLY believe that smoking SHOULD be banned in the public. The reason being are...(now say your ideas) health problems, passive smoking.......

The body of your speech----This is the main part, since this is the part where you are going to be judged on. Bring up your ideas here.
DO NOT SAY---one of the idea is health problem because......if you say it like this, the judges will feel very boring.
You should say it like this---The issues of smoking have created many problems. health problems is one of the issues......
And then just bring up the ideas after you finish one. the ideas can be health problems, passive smoking, air pollution......(you should be able to think of the ideas)

Conclusion---This is another important part because this is where you end your speech. Therefore we need to make as much impact as possible.

Example of a conclusion---Summing up the ideas and themes which my team and I had raised, we arrived at the conclusion that smoking causes health problems, creates air pollution...(say your ideas). Therefore we truly believe that smoking should INDEED(say the word 'indeed' loudly) be banned in the public,(pause for half a second) thank you.
2007-02-07 2:54 pm



2007-02-07 06:55:51 補充:
specific, not special, typing error. sorry
2007-02-07 10:38 am
I can give you some main point to help you....n you can put them into a speech....

*The enivoment is polluted already beacuse the gas from cars and smokes
*There's human right for non-smoker to have fresh air to breathe in
*non-smokers also have the right to say "no" to second-hand smoke
*Children walking on the street won't be affect
*If smoking is banned in public area, then there will be less consumer to buy smokes.

Don't know if this will help you, but hople it will la~~~ ^^

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