遨請 某公司主任 做訪問 ( 20分 )

2007-02-07 9:02 am
本人想要一個英文既格式 ( 最好係sample )
要比較 formal 同埋長少少~~~~唔該你﹗﹗

回答 (1)

2007-02-07 1:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Sir/Madam,

1st Paragraph: Introduce yourself.

My name is ____________. I am currently studying for a degree in (your course or degree name).

2nd Paragraph: Your experience in that company (your targeted company)

I visited ______________ before and (some good impression about the company). (and try to touch the point that related to the information you want to generate from this company).

3rd Paragraph: The prupose of sending this letter / email.

The purpose that I contact (company name) is I am now doing a research about (what), the title is "____________________" . Since (company name) that meets the requirement of (what) and has been awarded some prizes in this area, therefore, I would like to do a research in (company name).

4th Paragraph: The way that you will conduct this interview:

The research will be conducted in the follow way:

A (phone interview/ interview) with a manager or someone who is responsible for the ( your research topic/general idea of the topic ) in ( what language: English or Cantonese). It is for just 20-30 minutes one time during the period of (10th December, 2006 to 25th December, 2006) at your preference. Just for one time only. I am very flexible for the time arrangement.

5th Paragraph: The benefit for both parties.

1)I will send the report to your hotels regarding to the report.
2)I will thanks for (company name)'s support at acknowledge part of my research.
3)It will also benefit for (company name), as you will know (more about the topic or about its strategy or their employee etc).

If you need further information or details, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for your attention and I am looking forward to receive your email.

Best regards,

School Name
Email Address
Phone number

good luck!

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