
2007-02-07 8:37 am
本人想到越南旅行, 打算復活節時間一個人到越南旅行自由行安全嗎? 現在越南治安不會太差嗎? 可以介紹一下河內及胡志明市好玩地方及酒店嗎? 希望各位高人指點一下, 謝謝!


回答 (2)

2007-02-07 9:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Vietnam is a nice place to go. Basically, it's OK to go alone but you still need to be very careful anytime, especially night time. I went there few times to Hochiminh City and Hanoi couple years ago. I saw many beggers on the street, especially children. Please don't try to be generous to give them money even you have a big warm heart, you may get yourself into trouble. It just like in Shenzhen or Guangzhou.

Before you go, you need to apply for visa first (I assume you're holding either BNO or HKSAR). Suggest you book hotel first. As for which hotel, it depends on your budget. Better buy hotel pack in HK and choose at least 4 stars hotel, that would be safer.

As for sightseeing, you should go to Halong Bay and join a boat trip. Also don't forget to go to their market during the day, you can feel their culture. In Hochiminh City, many art and craft shops, if you like arts and want to buy some, don't feel shy to bargain.

For more info, you can go to http://www.lonelyplanet.com/worldguide/destinations/asia/vietnam
參考: my own experience
2007-02-07 8:40 am
我沒有什麼有建設性的建議, 但係想提醒你小心禽流感.
參考: myself

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