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翻譯要做的好, 一定需要多一點資訊與背景. 光憑兩句中文很難翻的好. Anyway, 我猜這是商業用email, 通知國外有農曆年的假期, 公司休息, 所以我修改一下你的內文 -- 用公司的角度切入:
Dear Sir,
Please be informed that due to the Chinese New Year holidays, our office will be closed 2/18~2/23. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you very much for your understanding.
Best Regards,
如果不是要用公司的名義寫, 而只是"個人"來發這個通知, 那只好這樣寫:
Dear Sir,
Please be informed that due to the Chinese New Year holidays, I'll be on leave 2/18~2/23. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you very much for your understanding.
Best Regards,
註: on leave就是休假不上班的意思, 美國人常用.
2007-02-07 23:44:27 補充:
其他人的建議, 我勸你看看就好 :)