
2007-02-07 6:46 am
我第一次砌機, 砌完部機開唔著, 連火牛o既風扇都冇反應
但插LAN 線, 個LAN 位就會著燈, 但部機就完全靜止, 咩燈都冇著..
之後check 過所針都插o岩, 唔知有乜問題

睇底皮說明書, 話有個PWR_LED o既針位, 但我個機殼就冇提供呢三條針
其他針全部插o岩, 唯獨是呢個冇插, 唔知同呢度有冇關

但通常如果開機係一d 反應都冇, 連火牛風扇都唔曉郁, 通常多數會係咩問題呢??
20分!!! 急急急!! 求助!!!

我塊底板係GIGABYTE 81865GME-775-RH


如果reset switch 駁錯會唔會出現開機冇反應o既問題??

回答 (4)

2007-02-07 6:56 am
✔ 最佳答案

不接駁pwo led是沒有什麼大不了, 只是若果開機時, 沒有任何指示燈指示電腦已開啟而已.
估計是你的開關接駁錯誤, 試試正負調轉或查看是否駁錯.
參考: me
2007-02-08 3:52 pm

If the Power transformer work normally and connected to the no problem mainboard...
Any problem or wrong connected with any slot or plug...

It will has Beep sound with difference times of BEEP means difference problem...

but I think you may have not connected the power switch...
me be the power switch needs you to connect the LED too...
Otherwise, it does not work !

Please reconise the three pin plug and go to Golden to find the adaptor
The adaptor devide to three small plug which can match all type of mainboard...

Anyway, check yr mainboard carefully again first before you buy anything.
Because the three pin LED plug suit 80-90% connnect to your mainboard...
Please check carefully first... and read the small word on the mainboard...
And the instruction of the mainboard....

Find the correct plug and connect it...

It should be work...

Please feel free to email to discuss
Many Many Thanks
2007-02-07 9:01 pm
你慢慢插過佢, 因為可能係有野插得唔實呀,個牛沒有反應就係接駁有問題, 再插過啦
2007-02-07 12:32 pm


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