請問hk ocean park SWOT係咩呢?

2007-02-07 5:54 am
想問下大家有無人解答到我HK OCEAN PARK 既SWOT呀???


回答 (2)

2007-02-10 8:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
SWOT Analysis of Ocean Park

- Ocean Park has been ranked the world's seventh most popular amusement park in a survey by Forbes magazine
- Animals and water creatures kept inside the Ocean Park are its unique selling point. Therefore, if people want to see panda, jelly fish and dolphin, they must come to Ocean Park. There isn’t any close substitute in Hong Kong.
- With 29 years of history, Ocean Park is recognized as Hong Kong’s home-grown park and has established a good image.

- Lack of transportation to Ocean Park.
- There are too much open space and fewer bushes in Ocean Park. Therefore, weather will affect people’s willing to come to Ocean Park.

- Individual Traveling Scheme was carried out in 2003. China residents in 48 China cities can visit Hong Kong. This scheme provides an opportunity for Ocean Park.
- In the Hong Kong Tourism Board’s website, it recommends that Ocean Park is a notorious spot for visitors.

- Competition and challenges from HK Disneyland (Visitors may go to Disneyland rather than Ocean Park)
- Low birth rate in Hong Kong(Ocean Park’s target customers is families with children If there is a low birth rate, that means less families will come to Ocean Park.)
- More attractive points in the neighboring countries. E.g. If there are new casino and theme park in Macau, visitors may choose to go to Macau rather than Hong Kong. Hence, fewer visitors come to Ocean Park.
參考: these are my hw ans.
2007-02-07 6:17 am
a) internal: pls look at the aspects of Hong Kong politics & economy e.g. stabilities, government expectations, tourist, staff friendliness
b) external: China government policies - travel documents to Hong Kong, ties/ relationshop between Hong Kongers & China people (relatives), transportation to Hong Kong (conveniences), Mainlanders - earning & spending powers, International visitors -promotions from Hong Kong overseas tourism boards


a) internal (ocean park): new campaign, any? to attract both local & overseas visitors, how to deal with high & low session, any improvement? Staff movement?
[If yes, U need to extra the figures and reports from the newspapers as your supporting materials.]

-it strategic locations,
-family/visitors hot-spot - irreplaceable. Why?
-its unique selling points that others don't have

-Hong Kong Disneyland
-Shanghai Disneyland
-Others threat from mainland's project
-Others neighbouring countries - increase more attactive points - to attract tourist - Tourism business -boosting local economy, and an extra income to the governments

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