初中數學 - Percentage Changes

2007-02-07 3:40 am
我要趕時間,唔該幫我做下呢條題目~~ ^_^
1.The size of a farm was decreased by 20%.The farmer then used new fertilizers and better seeds so that the yield per unit area was increased by 30%.What was the percentage change in the total yield of the farm?

回答 (3)

2007-02-07 4:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
% change
= [ (1 - 20%) (1 + 30%) - 1 ] x 100%
= ( 0.8 x 1.3 - 1 ) x 100%
= (1.04 - 1) x 100%
= +4%.
(+ means increase.)
2007-02-07 9:01 pm
Let 1 be the farm,
so,the farm has increased 4%
let the original size of farm is x square units
the new size of farm is x*(1-20%)=0.8x square units

the yield in original farm is:

the yield in new farm is:

the percentage change in the total yield of the farm:
1.04x - 1.3x /1.3x *100%
thus, the percentage change in the total yield of the farm was decreased 20%

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 23:28:54
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