有關讀Social Work

2007-02-07 1:31 am
我中五畢業,全科合格,宜家晌港專讀梗AD of Social Work既 Foundation Year,Part-time,唔係晌呢行做,19歲

1. 有同學建議我轉去讀City / Poly....據我所知,Poly有HD,但只收中七畢業,咁佢有冇AD課程? >>>Part-time<<<

2. 咁City既情況如何,City係咪只有AD?

3. City AD一年要幾錢?讀幾耐?如果我宜家入去係咪都要重新由Year 1讀起?升上Degree既機會大唔大?Degree又要讀幾耐?

4. 除左City/ Poly之外,如果我想晌大學讀Social Work既課程,仲有冇其他選擇?

回答 (1)

2007-02-07 3:22 am
✔ 最佳答案

SE 28-125-00 (62)
Advanced Diploma in Applied Social Sciences (Social Welfare)

Enquiry 查詢: 2975 5865
Fax 傳真: 2858 8472
Email 電郵: [email protected]

Course Start Date 開課日期: 17 Apr 2007


Entry Requirements
Applicants should

have gained at least 5 subjects in the HKCEE at Grade E or above including English Language (Syllabus B) (Grade C in the case of English Language (Syllabus A)) and Chinese Language, or equivalent; and have 3 years work experience. OR

have gained in HKALE Grade E in 1 AL subject or 2 AS subjects, or equivalent.

Applications will also be considered from mature applicants who are 25 years of age on or before September of the year in which admission is sought and who have at least 3 years work experience.

Day(s) / Time
Tuesday and Thursday evenings (6:30-9:30p.m.) and Saturday afternoons (2:00-6:00p.m.), starting 17 Apr 2007.


Course Fee: Certificate: $10,500 (full payment); Diploma: $21,000 (to be paid in 2 installments); Advanced Diploma: $42,000 (to be paid in 4 installments)
Application Fee: $150, non-refundable

Medium of Instruction
English, supplemented by Chinese

Information and Application
Detailed information and an application form are available:

in person, at any HKU SPACE Enrolment Centre.
by fax, at 2858 8472
by phone, at 2975 5865
by e-mail, at [email protected]

Starting Date for Application
Jan 2007

Closing Date for Application
17 Mar 2007

HKU SPACE is exploring the possibility of articulation of this programme to bachelor degrees offered by other universities. It is envisaged that the Advanced Diploma curriculum will constitute the first year of a three-year bachelor degree programme. Subject to final approval, students may be eligible to apply for further study either to the Bachelor of Social Science Degree in Social Administration by a local university or the Work Based Learning Studies (WBLS) Degree in Social Welfare offered by Middlesex University.

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