
2007-02-07 12:12 am
我兒子的英文作業 請各位大大幫忙

1.The coffee is too s_____t
2.Many girls don't like put things in their p______ts
3.There is a beautiful g_______n in front of my house
4.S______r is my favorite season
5.Chinese like to have some s_____p after meals

回答 (5)

2007-02-07 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.The coffee is too sweet
2.Many girls don't like put things in their pockets
3.There is a beautiful garden in front of my house
4.Summer is my favorite season
5.Chinese like to have some soup after meals

2007-02-06 16:25:14 補充:
pockets 解口袋﹐pants 解褲子,寬鬆的長褲; 短褲;婦女用緊身短內褲你自己覺得邊個似就用邊個啦
2007-02-07 12:22 am

2007-02-06 16:39:56 補充:
我想sweet不會用來形容coffee吧...不過應該是對的.. 因為小學生的功課不會太深, 用這個程度的形容詞差不多了第2題不可能是pants(長褲), 一來這個字對小學生太深, 二來不合英文文化, 一定是pocketsp.s.我覺得這個出版社的作業出得不好... 只是引導學生去答果個答案, 但題目不合文法有點硬來... 是中式英文.. 外國人不會這樣說, 外國的作業也不會這樣

2007-02-06 16:40:57 補充:
我提議你買一本課外英文練習給你兒子, 否則在這制度下他長大一些時只會中式英文, 不會懂英式/美式英文, 到時英文就不夠好了English Grammar in Use (有不同程度的書, 好幾本, 買最淺那本就可)Cambridge University Press(有解釋, 例子, 教育,圖片, 小練習, 答案)(百多元, 三百幾頁)一天只要花15分鐘做一個unit, 英文就會好, 壓力也不大, 而且生動, 你兒子漸漸會懂真正的英文, 而非中式英文, 成績(不單現在, 而且將來)也會比其他孩子好
參考: sorry..第一題我不肯定...但其他對的
2007-02-07 12:22 am
1. sweet 功課是要自己做的!!
2. pants
3. garden
4. Summer
5. soup
2007-02-07 12:20 am
1. sweet
2. pants
3. garden
4. Summer
5. soup
2007-02-07 12:19 am
1.The coffee is too sweet
2.Many girls don't like put things in their pants
3.There is a beautiful green in front of my house
4.Summer is my favorite season
5.Chinese like to have some soup after meals

如果這是功課, 要自己做, 唔係永遠學唔識,

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