係會有少少唔開心既. 不過唔會死既. 唔好咁擔心. 我阿 E 之前一對老貓都係咁. 一隻先遊, 另一隻初初都唔係幾開心. 但主人先係佢地真正既伴. 故你應該多同佢玩, 比多 D 愛心一定冇問題 ka. 況且你有病個隻貓只得8歲, 咁另一隻都應該係咁上下啦? 貓可長命到15歲或以上 ka ma. 故佢仲有大把時間 ka. no problem! 我自己都養緊隻5歲貓 ka. 其實佢地都好懂性的.
Maybe if after your cat that have sick passed away, the other cat lost her sister and a bestfriend, she will start feeling very sad and don't want to play, eat or drink. You can bond her often try to play with her (if she (show you ) ) And u can also buy another cat to pui your cat, so your cat don't feel so sad and will start to eat, drink and play after a wile, but try to buy cats that are younger or the same age, so that they will not fight.