想問怎樣出一封extend probration letter, 可否give some example? Thanks

2007-02-06 11:00 pm
因我要inform my boss, 我想extend 我下屬的probration. So can you pls give me some example for this letter. Thanks a lot for your help.

回答 (1)

2007-02-06 11:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To: (name of subordinate)
Position : ( title of subordinate)
Date : (issuing date)

Re: Probation period of employment contract date XXXXX ( the date of the employment contract of the subordinate)

Pleased to inform you that your probation period will be change to JUne,2007 instead of Feb,2007.

Due to the complexity of the job duties, we would like to furnish more traning to let you adapt our company work flow. We hope you continue to put more efforts in your post and will grow with our company.

While other terms remains the same in the captioned employment contract.

Yours faithfully

Marketing Manager ( your title or admin. manager)
XXXX company
Date: 07 FEb,2007

Acknowledge by

( your subordinate name
Date: 07 Feb,2007)

2007-02-06 15:25:09 補充:
sorry, I forget to check ...1. will be changed .... (NOT will be change)2. While other terms remain unchanged ( NOT ... terms remains the same)

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