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認知首先是皮亞傑(Jean Paul Piaget,1896~1980)提出的。英文是cognition,而皮亞傑研究的則是認知發展論(congnitive-development theory),以研究兒童智力發展,並且建構出一套有關於人類認知發展的理論而聞名。
皮亞傑的理論,乃是出自於他對於兒童智力研究的成果,他的「認知發展論」事實上談的就是人類智力的發展。而皮亞傑對於智力的看法,有別於以往的心理學者。所謂認知發展(cognitive development)是指個體自出生後在適應環境的活動中,對事務的認知及面對問題情境時的思維方式與能力表現,隨年齡增長而改變的歷程。
The term cognition refers to a processing of information, applying knowledge and changing preferences. (是整個process來的) The concept of cognition is closely related to such concepts in the mind (e.g. reasoning, perception, intelligence, learning, and many others that describe numerous capabilities of human mind.) The term "cognition" is also used in a wider sense to mean the act of knowing or knowledge.