2007-02-06 9:59 pm
There is a topic .

Your group is going to promote a book you have recently read .
Discuss how your group promotes the book and explain your ideas.

The book is about ghost ,and many stories in it.

I don't know how can i discuss with member with this topic .

I'm afraid that i have nothing to say .

Plz teach me !!!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-02-07 1:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Firstly, you can briefly introduce the book to your groupmates. Secondly, you should talk about the good points of the book, e.g. exciting, it is famous...
Thirdly, your group should discuss about the promotion strategy of this book, e.g. having some seminar talking about this book or ask some famous writer to give comment to this book so as to recommend it to the public.Lastly, you should focus more on how to promote this book, rather than talking about the content of the book.

Hope the above can help you~~
參考: Me
2007-02-07 1:40 am
You can choose one story from the book which you find the scariest, or which impresses you the most, and tell your group members why you like/dislike the story. You can also talk about the summary of the book and describe the characters in it. Futhermore, you can introduce the author to them.
參考: self

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 16:44:43
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