
2007-02-06 9:10 pm
而我身邊既朋友, 佢地都唔駛返工既,
so, 佢地好多聚會我都冇去過,
我好唔開心呀, 我d gpa 又低, 又冇friends
我好唔想讀啦, 請願返工好過呀,
咁如果我想多d 好朋友, 咁我可以掂做呀,
我都唔知要掂做, 我先會鍾意返學.......

回答 (5)

2007-02-06 9:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案

每個人係唔同的階段有唔同的朋友,friend 唔friend睇自己態度姐...加油!

2007-02-06 13:17:04 補充:
2013-11-05 8:21 am
2007-02-08 7:38 pm
hey, I am also currently studying in University and also taking a job,
work during every weekend,
i know it is kind of hard to handle both of gpa and work,
but if you work as part time, it should be find,
just plan a schdule,
TIME management is really important,
if you can handle your time well,
it should be fine,
just dun be over working.
frds are not as important as study now,
the goal for u now is study and get the bachelor of degree,
once u get the degree, u should be fine,
dun focus on the short term goal,
u should anticipate what you will get in the furture,
focus on long term goal....
2007-02-06 9:49 pm
I agree with fairyfatcutecute. Your main duty in University is studying, who said that the U must ensure you have happy life and many friends? In my three years of U life, I have not many real friends also and I also don't feel very happy since the subject I didn't like the subject I studied. But was it really important? Who ensure you the subject you choose must be the one you like? Only the AL result can decide you enter which University. I know this was my only chance to gain tertiary education and my only goal was to earn my degree, and this was a goldern oppotunity, I would regret for life if I miss it, so I bear all the sufferings to catch this chance.
You are already a lucky one since you have income while you are studying degree. I must handle great burden of difficult homeworks when I was in U and they occupy all of my time. I also need to taste lonely and gloomy period by myself most of time. But I see all these as hard trainings to gain my qualification and I overcome them all. You will feel you are much more stronger if you finally come through all these difficulties.
2007-02-06 9:20 pm
I don't have any friends there while studied in University. But it doesn't matter, what I looking for is the Bachelor Certification.

It would be better to have University Holder.You can earn lots of money after graduation. Just 3 years, be patient.

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