
2007-02-06 9:01 pm
(請切用網上翻譯器  我要文法對的英文 英文勁人幫幫手呀)

1. 失去了一個公開和公平的準則, 無法以同一個制度/ 方式評估各學生的能力
(注意: 對方可以以''公平''來評議考試的可靠)
2. 考試其實是一個指標 來indicate各學生的水平, 驗證考生的努力
( 對勤力的學生來說是一個表現的機會, 對平時懶散的學生來說也是一個最後衝剌的機會)
3. 因為每個老師都有可能偏差 或偏愛 可是考試(公開試為例) 基本上每個人都是平等的
marker 不會因為你靚d 或熟d 而俾高分, 因為佢根本唔認識你
因為唔係每個人/boss都會知道各校的要求或準則 但係一睇公開試成績就知這人的料子
4. 有時人係需要一d壓力來變為推動力, 沒有考試學生可能因為失去壓力而變得平庸
(可能無考試咁用功 未能發揮佢地可以去到的極限...) (壓力可以變為推動力)

(請不要用網上翻譯器  我要文法對的英文 英文勁人幫幫手呀)

回答 (1)

2007-02-06 10:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Without a fair and open system, it is impossible to assess the ability of different student.
(Note: Opponents may make use of "fairness" to judge the reliability of the system.)

2. Exams are just a method used to indicate the level of different student, and to test whether they were working hard.
(For hard-working students, this is a chance for them; for those who have been lazy, this servces as their last chance to strive.)

3. Since each teacher may look upon different students, exams (public ones) may be a better way since everyone will be treated equal. Markers will not judge on your appearance or their relationship and give you a higher mark, because they do not know you. Thus, this can provide the society with a way for assessment. Not every boss know the standards and levels required for each school, but they are able to assess an individual's knowledge and skill through their public exam's grade.

4. Sometimes, adequate pressure can become a motive and drive. Students who don't have to fae exams may become dull without the pressure.
(Because they do not need to strive and work hard unless they face exams, since the pressure they face can drive them to study hard.)

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