discretionary bonus 係唔係即刻可比可唔比既 bonus ?

2007-02-06 6:35 pm
discretionary bonus 係唔係即刻可比可唔比既 bonus ?
係唔係唔 = 雙糧 ?

回答 (2)

2007-02-06 7:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A discretionary bonus is a form of variable pay where an employer provides cash compensation to an employee for reasons that are not established in advance. Companies often provide discretionary bonuses at holiday time, at the end of projects, or if the company achieves unexpected or unusual success.

即係不會預先說明支付的現金報酬. 公司通常業績好先會發放.

2007-02-07 2:38 am
discretionary bonus 不等如雙糧.

雙糧是一定有的, 只要合約有寫就有.

discretionary bonus是視乎公司的業績, 和你個人的表現而定, 但就算公司的業績好, 你個人的表現好好, 公司都可以唔比, 因為這是純粹由佢自由決定的。

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