please help to amend it with polite voice

2007-02-06 6:13 pm
The event on 01/03 is coming soon, as spoke with Mrs tsui, there will be reach around 450 ppl, so I think we need to have 3 or 4 staff in there, may I ask kk or JJ for helping and find one more part-time to helping us?

回答 (5)

2007-02-06 6:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The event on 01/03 is getting close now. Having discussed with Mrs Tsui, we estimate that there will be 450 ppl coming. Therefore, 3 to 4 staff are required in order to ensure the event will be running smoothly. May I suggest the participation of KK & JJ and recuit one additional part-time so that we could have sufficient resources there.

Your comment to the above is much appreciated.
2007-02-06 9:22 pm
The event on March 3rd is coming soon, told by Mrs. Tsui, the number of the people will attend are estimated to 450. I thought we may need 3 or 4 attendants to be on duty that day. For this matter, could I invite KK and JJ to do me a favor for helping with us or seeking some part-time attendants.
2007-02-06 8:39 pm
The event scheduled on 01 March is drawing near. As advised by Mrs Tsui, around 450 attendants will show up then, so I think we need 3 or 4 helpers in attendance. I wonder if I could ask KK or JJ for an extra hand to help out on a temporary basis.
2007-02-06 7:00 pm
The event on 01/03 is coming close now. After discussion with Mrs Tsui, there will be around 450 persons in the event-particpation. As such , it ids believed that about 3 to 4 helpers are required so as to enable us to have adaquate manpowers for mobilization in compliance with the successful event. May I ask you yo do me a favour by inviting both KK & JJ 's partipation, and if possible, by inviting one more extra part-time helper for the event?

Your sincere suggestion in this matter is highly appreciated.
2007-02-06 6:18 pm
The event on 01-03 is coming soon. I have talked with Mrs Tsui, there will be around 450 people joining. I think we need to have 3 or 4 staff, may I ask for kk or JJ for help and find one more part-time to assist us?

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