about the education questions

2007-02-06 4:22 pm
Which Method can help student to develop thier interest or self-study?

What do you think about the education system in H.K?

What is your view of student's education?

Can all of you give me some suggestions...many thx...

回答 (2)

2007-02-06 7:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Which Method can help student to develop thier interest or self-study?

The education policy of Hong Kong aims at providing opportunities for students with diverse learning needs to receive appropriate education alongside their peers so as to help them develop their potentials. The Government has all along been providing secondary and primary schools with additional teachers to conduct remedial teaching to students with learning difficulties. It also addresses students' special educational needs by implementing the Integrated Education Programme in schools adopting a Whole-school Approach.

The Education and Manpower Bureau strongly advises schools to make flexible use of existing resources to effect, for example, by consolidating and redeploying resources allocated to "Remedial Teaching", "Integrated Education Programme", "Intensive Remedial Teaching Programme", "Capacity Enhancement Grant" and "Student Guidance Service Grant" etc. Schools are encouraged to formulate policies and measures based on the whole-school approach to cater for students' diverse learning needs in a more effective manner.

The purpose of the whole school approach is to make full use of all available resources in the school, to adopt diversified teaching strategies and effective assessment methodology as well as to make curriculum adaptation to meet students' diverse learning needs. These, coupled with teacher training and the support from members of the school management committee, parents and other sources, will enable each student to learn more effectively. Moreover, the whole-school approach will strengthen the team spirit of the teachers and enhance their professional standard, thereby creating more room for students' learning.

What do you think about the education system in H.K? What is your view of student's education?

There should be a balance between what students are expected to learn in the curriculum prepared by the CDC, e.g. the curriculum framework and the learning targets, and aspects of school-based curriculum development based on the needs of the students in the schools. As there is no single correct model of curriculum change to
improve students' learning capabilities, schools should be given the space, professional autonomy and flexibility to develop their own school-based curriculum in ways best suited themselves.

In real life, the learning experiences of students transcend the boundaries of knowledge domains. Cross-KLA studies also allow students to see things from different perspectives. The following measures will enrich the learning experiences of students:
• A new curriculum framework for General Studies for Primary Schools that is not merely a combination of the old primary science, social studies, and health education
• Liberal Studies at Advanced Supplementary level for S6-7
2007-02-06 4:48 pm
1. Switch off the TV. Go to the Public Library.

2. Good <-------- 1997 --------> Bad

3. A state of confusion.

4. Example is better than precept.

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