
2007-02-06 1:57 pm
~我有張顯示卡壞左經常hand機(張卡係grandmars sa6600geforce6600 128MB 128BIT,我想換卡既換咩好呢~咁呢我依家部機就係資料係咁既
cpu:amd sempron processor 2500+
motherboard:gigabyte k8triton k8vm00m
(本人就想換返nivda既顯示卡thx~另外要d 256mb~同我諗1000蚊內~~_)

回答 (4)

2007-02-06 6:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Should you MB model be k8vm800m?

AGP slot (8x/4x-AGP 3.0 compliant), supports 1.5v display card only.

So for nivda with only 1000HK the best will be 7600GS try XFX or Winfast should be about 9xxHKD if a bit more money you can buy 7600gt but about 1300-1400hk

Also may be you can think about ATI1650XT about 1000HK try sapphire.

Also are you sure your display card is the problem? Usually it is not the problem

Usually is the power supply or 512mb ram not good enough la.

Also if your power supply is cheap and old may only use lower power displaycard la.

Check carefully before you buy new display card

YOu can only use AGP version la (more expensive but slower)

2007-02-06 11:02:28 補充:
Your motherboard only have 2 ram slot so if you are using 2x256 ram already you cannot upgrade.But if you are using 1x512 you can alway buy one more ddr400 512mb total 1g is more stable.Please check power supply first if your PC frequently restart itself

2007-02-06 11:03:56 補充:
remember not to buy SLI or PCI-E version display board la, you mother board do not support

2007-02-06 11:05:14 補充:
MOngkok or ssp price similiar mongkok 10hk more expensivewanchai 20-30 HK more expensive
參考: My self, I go shopping frequently
2007-02-06 5:16 pm
你要去黃金問店員,帶備主機板說明書,看看過agp槽是否支援你想買的display card。而在記憶體方面,現在應該出ddr-2,不過可能還有ddr買,不過都是要看看主機板是否支援,例如一條ram槽支援多大mb ram(通常主機板都有三條ram槽,不過通常每條ram槽都支援都512mb,有些甚至支援1gb)
參考: 以前在黃金做過的經驗。
2007-02-06 2:37 pm
參考: myself
2007-02-06 2:16 pm
Just go to Wanchai or Golden Center in Shum Shui Po,
and ask for GeForce 8800, remember to bring your machine's spec
and this card should be very good.
And always bargain and compare :)

I think 1000 is enough.

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