Master File Table Corrupt 救 Data

2007-02-06 10:32 am
某日部電腦傻左 ( 按完開WINAMP之後就HANG左, REBOOT 後就再開唔到機...瓜左..)
經過一輪測試後發現係Master File Table Corrupt


買左新硬碟, 連去個壞HD時開唔到
亦都試過用WINXPE開機連壞HD, 但都係死~~~

回答 (4)

2007-02-08 3:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案

I suggest you check your mainboard has 2 harddisk port or not first.

Since newer mainboard has more than 1 harddisk port.

Connect the new HDD to the 1st HDD port and install windows first...
Connect the old HDD to 2nd port...

When you enter Windows of the new HDD...

Go to my computer, and use the updated Anti virus to scan the old HDD first.
Then right click the old HDD in the My Computer window.
Click content then choose tools and then click check repair file and system error...
Try it may request you to put Windows CD to repair...
If it cannot be repaired... then open the old HDD to copy the old file you need to the new HDD...
After that format yr old HDD to NTFS format and then
right click right click the old HDD in the My Computer window.
Click content then choose tools and then click try to repair bad sector of the disk and wait....when complete then use the old one as back up HDD...try first...since we don't know the HDD with problem or not...
But next time you better find a friend to help before you buy a new HDD...
Since I want to save $ for you...
You may connect yr HDD to yr friend's coputer and do the same thing as I suggest above... IF BOTH OF YOU HAVE ONE HDD PORT ONLY THEN....
Buy an external HDD box to connect to any computer do the same thing...
I personally suggest external HDD to do the BACK UP job...
Because any problem you have or will have you just needed to unplug and bring it to other friends or office and you and solve the problem very easy... rather than open the case move the HDD inside etc etc....

SORRY, I do not know how to type Chinese...

If anything not clear Please feel free to email and discuss about...

Many Many thanks
2007-02-08 9:40 am
In computer, NTFS stores a copy of MFT that is called MFT mirror.

You can try to run "Check Disk" utility from Windows environment.
Or if Windows is not bootable, boot from floppies or bootable CD-ROM to Recovery Console and run CHKDSK utility that could help you.

If the damage to MFT is serious, standard utilities might help you and you'll see "Drive cannot be accessed" message when trying to access the drive in Windows Explorer. In this case we recommend you to use third party software, like Active@ UNERASER for DOS or Active@ File Recovery for Windows to access and save your files to another drive, and then reformat the partition.

you can download Active@ File Recovery trial version:

hope your case is not so serious, and all the best.
2007-02-06 5:26 pm
參考: 以前在高登做電腦的經驗。
2007-02-06 10:38 am
咁你試下張個壞harddisk 用usb 連接起 (當external hard disk), 睇下可唔可以read 到d data.. 如果都係唔得, 咁你就要拿去比人救data..,ssp 應該有呢d shop, 佢地d收費係睇你要救幾多mb 既 data..

2007-02-08 22:11:32 補充:
DATA CABLE? 你意思係唔係IDE CABLE 呀? 如果係的話, 我諗你唔使再花時間啦, 你都係拿個hard disk 比d shop 幫你救番d data 算啦..

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