香港身份証有三粒星, 之後做埋加拿大公民....又有特區護照.....依家長住返係香港有無問題??

2007-02-06 10:08 am
成日聽到有人講話要向香港入境處表明自己既身份, 又有人話講左之後自己既身份會有分別, 到底係甚麼一回事??

回答 (3)

2007-02-06 11:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實呢.. 有好多好多人都係咁.. 本身係Canadian, 而又返香港長住同工作... 我已經係一個例子.... 晌香港回歸之前, 香港政府已經表明左, 你一日唔向香港政府declare自己係加拿大人, 而你係擁有三粒星身份證既話, 佢地係唔會查你既.... 我唔知你係咪咁, 不過我次次出香港境返加拿大果陣, 我就會用身份證出境, 返到加拿大就用加拿大護照入境...... 雖然係怪d, 但係真係十個有九個都係咁 ...........
至於係唔係non-resident, 就要睇你仲有無向加拿大政府交稅喇.. 我返左香港差唔多五年, 我交兩邊稅.. 向加拿大政府申報一d 收入, 交少少稅, 同一時間亦都交稅比香港政府.. 雖然聽起上黎傻左d, 但係當你一declare 比加拿大政府聽你係non-resident既話, 你所有既benefit就會無晒, 包括health coverage.. 我唔知你做加拿大人既原因係咩, 但係無晒benefit 唔抵........ 唔應該爭少少錢就無左呢d野囉.. 人地坐移民監都係因為呢d之嘛.. 你諗下係咪?
參考: 做左加拿大人好多年喇.......
2007-02-06 10:24 am
香港同加拿大都容許有雙重國藉. 冇問題的.
不過如果你 relocate 返香港的話 (如要工作/做生意) 的話
記緊要喺加拿大果邊 declare 你做 non-residence.
declare 左 non-residency 係 for tax purpose only
你唔會失去 PR 的身份的
Basically, being a "non-resident" frees you from having to pay taxes on any income earned overseas. If you keep any investments in Canada that pay any kind dividends or capital gains, you will be required to pay the proper tax on those monies.
如果唔係你喺香港做工都要交加拿大o既 income tax.
第二時加拿大政府追你交稅你就知味道. 錢係一件事.
要 declare non-residency 就喺加拿大既 immigration
要 declare 可以去
Form NR73 E - Determination of Residency Status
download form (PDF nr73-04e.pdf (94 KB)) and fill it in.
2007-02-06 10:19 am
You should not have any problem living in HK. The only thing is you may need to decide which passport you want to use when you are traveling overseas. Of course you don't need your passport to leave HK, HKID only, but the passprt you'll be using when you're entering other countries (except china). And Canadian passport is still the best passport to travel around the world.
Also you may need to decline non-resident from Canada, if not you may still need to pay taxes as your health benifit is still valid.
參考: self

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