誠請各老師和 高手 告訴本人那裡出錯? 修改一翻 : 會考自修生懇求

2007-02-06 9:58 am
誠請各老師 和 高手 以上文章 有錯漏 嗎? 可以的可幫修改一下嗎? : 會考自修生懇求

本人是會考自修生,以上網址是本人的作文,自知錯誤甚多,懇請各高手們改正一下本人的文章,如發現有任何不通順或 有較皆的句法,文法錯誤,還望修改指點. 感激萬分.

回答 (4)

2007-02-06 10:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Aunt and Uncle,

How are you? I felt so sorry that I lost your son, and I hope that you would forgive me. My parents also think that I should explain to you how this could happen on me.

Last Saturday, I looked after my cousin as you asked me while you went away. However, my cousin and I felt bored, so I decided to take him to a park for a walk where it is not far from my home. While we were walking along the flower path, my mobile phone rang and I answered it immediately. I finished the call in ten seconds, then I looked for my cousin, but he had disappeared. It all happened so quickly. I started screaming for him and tried to find out him but I could not. I began to get worried and burst into tears. I looked up and down the path again. When I passed a place where a lot of pets ran into, I saw a kid standing by a pond and looking at a rabbit. I was very pleased because he was my cousin. I realized that he caught after a rabbit and the rabbit lead him to the place. Probably, this is my first time to look after a kid, so I had no experience at all. Anyways, it was my fault and no one to be blamed but myself.

I hope you would forgive me and I promise I would never make the same mistake again!

Lots of love,

2007-02-06 5:50 pm
Dear Aunt and Uncle, (上下款統一用逗號)

How are you? (先寫為什麼要寫這封信的原因,最好的方法是抄題目,一定無錯) While you were away for the weekend and asked me to look after cousin, I let him get lost. (get lost是個phrase,cousin 不是一件物件,不能就這麼說 lost him,通常這麼說的時候是他死了) I am very (不要用felt,因為你現在還在內咎,不可用past tense) sorry about it and I hope that you may forgive me (forgive somebody原諒我,不會說forgive my fault原諒我的錯,要原諒必定有些東西做錯了,不用再細說我的錯). My mother thinks (第三身單數加s) that I should tell you about the incident (incident=事件).

Last Saturday (上個星期六,不是下個,另外,用了last/next後的日子前面不用再加On), you were away. I looked after my cousin as you asked me to. (不用however) Cousin and I soon felt bored so we decided go to the park. The park is not far from my home. While we were walking along the path, my mobile phone rang and I answered it at once. Ten seconds later, after I answered the call and turned round, I could not see cousin anywhere. It all happened too quickly. I shouted out his name and tried to look for (find out是發現) him but I could not. I started to get worried and bursted (past tense!) into tears. I ran up and down the path again and again to look for him (可以把效果加強一些). When I came to the pets' area, I saw a child (kid太俗語,應用child) standing by the pond, looking at a rabbit. I was overwhelmed (可以用個較強的詞彙) because I could recognise that he was cousin. He explained to me that he was chasing after a rabbit and it led (past tense of lead is led) him there. Probably this is because it was my first time looking after a young child (句式最好跟文題), I did not pay attention to the details. (如過說 no experience就會等如my first time looking after ...,會repeat了意思) (anyways 是較casual的說法,在這裡用會顯得沒有誠意) This was my fault and I know I need to take the responsibility and blame.

I promise I will never make the same mistake again and I hope you can (present tense) forgive me. (先說你的承諾才叫人原諒你)

Lots of love,
2007-02-06 10:49 am
Dear Aunt and Uncle:

How are you? I hope you had a wonderful time. However, during your vacation something happened: for half an hour I lost your son. My mother thinks that I should explain the incidence in writing. I hope you would understand and forgive my fault.
[Don’t jump into the content so suddenly. Explain why you’re writing and line up the consequences.]

On last [Not next Saturday, next is in future] Saturday, you were away for traveling. I was looking after my cousin as you asked me. However, we both felt bored so I decided to take him to a park for a walk. The park is not far from my home. While we were walking along the flower path, suddenly, my mobile phone started to ring and I answered it at once. Ten seconds later, after I answered the call and looked round, I could not see my cousin. It all happened so quickly. I shouted out his name and tried to find him [find out means investigating; find means to look for] but I could not. I began to get worried and burst into tears. I looked up and down the path again. When I came to the mini zoo [a place where a lot of pets live in can be simply called a zoo], I saw a kid standing by a tree looking at a rabbit [pond may make people think the rabbit was in the water, use a tree]. I was so happy because he was my cousin! He told me that he was trying to catch a rabbit and followed the rabbit to there. Probably, this is my first time to look after for a young person [people is plural], so I had no any experience at all. It was my fault and I had no one to blame but myself. [I was no one to blame means I should not be blamed.]
I hope you would forgive me and I promise I would concentrate all of my attention on my little cousin every second if I am to look after him again.
[will not make the same fault is too passive, try come up with your SOLUTION, what you’d do to avoid similar mistakes.]

Lots of love,


Nice, remember to stick to past tense. The sentences are simple and nice. Re-read the article and look for things that can be simplified. (like a place in where a lot of animals live, which is a zoo or farm, etc.).
2007-02-06 10:33 am
Dear Aunt and Uncle, (用逗號)
How are you? I felt so sorry that I had lost your son and I hope that you would forgive me (唔使用 my fault). My mother also thinkS I should tell you how did the accident happen.
On LAST WEEKEND, I was looking after my cousin as you were away. I decided to talk him out for a walk in a park. The park was not far from my home. While we were walking along the flower path, my mobile phone started to ring suddenly and therefore I answered it. A while after I answered the call, I looked around and my cousin was not within my sight. It all happened so quickly. I was shouting for him and tried to find him out but I couldn't find him. I began to panic and bursted into tears. I was looking for him around th path again and again. When I arrived at a place where there were a lot of pets and I saw a kid standing by a pond and was looking at a rabbit. I was relieved because he was my cousin. I realised that he was chasing after (唔會用 catch after) a rabbit and was led to that place. It was probably my first time looking after a young kid and I had no experience with it at all. (呢度唔好用 anyway) It was my fault and there was no one to blame but myself.
I sincerely apologise for what have happened and I promise I would never make the same mistake again.

Lots of love,

My cousin 同 your son 仲好用個名代替

2007-02-06 02:34:43 補充:
同埋 anyways 係傾計至會用.. 作文千祈唔好用

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