Seek for Expert advice to select LCD TV!!! Urgent, pl. help!

2007-02-06 8:46 am
Please give me your expert advice to select LCD TV among Sharp(32 BX 5H / 6H), Toshiba WL 67J, Hitachi 32LD 9800TA and Sony. All are 32" but some made in Japan or Asia. Is it really a great difference between these two????

is Philip a good choice? as there's so many good comments on it from this web site. Any comments between Philip and Hitachi and Sharp? Where can I buy it at the lowest price or with free gift?

回答 (1)

2007-02-06 8:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
i had brought 32"sharp two days ago, I heard the saleman said sharp is better than Toshiba and philp, so i brought that one, I know sharp made in Maylasia, but the sale said even the best lcd mon for mobile is made by sharp, and seems it's the first brand made LSD mon, so he said it should be in high quality, so I choose sharp

FYI, almost all shops set $7980 for the selling price, I brought from UNI (Tai Koo shing), price is $7180, just for your reference, tomorrow deliver, so I am not sure the real thing, so all these just for reference

2007-02-06 19:19:46 補充:
the sale on broadway and jusco also say sharp is better than philip, but no mention it is bad, just compare with sharp, sharp is better,

2007-02-06 19:20:33 補充:
and if u say lowest price, i recommend 太古城UNI(地庫, 唔好去錯), or jusco have package $8888 and select 3 products from a list, which include Toshiba or hitachi 32" LCD and other electric products,

2007-02-06 19:20:44 補充:
u can check the link, hand side "自選組合超特賣"click that, and u can choose 福,祿,壽各一....other shops 公價, 但送gift, I think not attractive and not worth

2007-02-06 22:18:44 補充:
by the way, the above price u need to ask the sale, otherwise they won't tell u, the show original price ar, and just tell u because these are high quality TV, so if watch the basic 4 chanels TVB, ATV will not so clear as old version TV, but after all program run 數碼, or u watch DVD will be clear
參考: experience

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