LLB past paper

2007-02-06 8:20 am
我想問一下, 在那裡可以找到 LLB year 1 的 past paper? 我上網到 University of London 都找不到。今年我要考試, 好緊張, 好想作好準備考好啲。希望大家可以幫幫忙。

回答 (2)

2007-02-08 8:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I don't know if the practice has changed, but past paper is included in the package of material that is usually mailed in Jan (arrive in HK in Feb/Mar) to students. The package include past paper as well as latest changes/cases in the subjects. The paper is also available at:
However, the past paper distributed by University of London does not contain model answers. So quite a lot of people purchase past papers from bookstores like Bloomsbury. It is a bit expensive but if you are first year, you may want to get the feel about the style to answering LLB questions.
2016-12-12 4:15 am
Uol Past Papers

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