Excel 一問 (Urgent!)

2007-02-06 7:34 am
The question is

Write a formula to count the number of cells containing text within the region from cell A1 to cell B4.

回答 (3)

2007-02-06 8:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
最簡單的方法是用 輔助格 再輸入 ISTEXT 函數, 然後加總:
在 C1 輸入公式: =IF(ISTEXT(A1),1,0)
然後下拉及右拉至 D4
再將 C1 : D4 加總

亦可用 EXCEL VBA, 但要注意VBA是沒有 ISTEXT 函數的, 要用TypeName( ) = “String”
2007-02-06 9:56 pm
2007-02-06 7:57 am
No need wiite any formula, you just only highlight the area cell A1 to cell B4, then, see the bar on the bottom of right hand corner, the lum sum will auto show it.

2007-02-05 23:59:12 補充:
OR, write this formula =SUM(A1:B4)

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