飛機 window seat 一問

2007-02-06 6:04 am
每次出門向機場 check in 時我都會問有冇 window seat,但好多時都話冇哂,無論係幾早去 check in 都好總係會 full 左冇位。

另外我又想問下網上 check in 既細節。

thx a lot

回答 (3)

2007-02-06 6:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
想坐window seat最好買機票嗰時已經講明,唔少agent都會幫你同airline request,mark咗個位先.

好多人想坐window seat都會咁做.或者好多時兩三個人一齊travel就會一做mark坐近window嗰啲位,所以你到check in先問當然冇啦.

online checkin好簡單,其他airline我唔知,不過我次次坐Cathay都online check in,online check in喺你飛之前48小時可以check in.不過有兩個條件先可以做到online check in:
1. 你係asia miles/marco polo club會員,而且喺買機票嗰時有報到個membership number
2. 你張機票喺online同CX買

online checkin 只要喺飛前48小時上網,入CX個site online check in嗰page,咁一入aisa miles number/marco polo 會員登入就ok,你啲資料會load哂出嚟,咁你跟住instruction去fill in passport number,名咁就ok,最後仲可以選擇埋坐位.

搞掂哂就print咗張boarding pass,再喺飛前45分鐘(唔太多行李寄的話)去到個online check in指定counter報到就ok(張boarding pass會寫得好清楚),到時會再issue一張用嚟上機嘅boarding pass俾你.
2007-02-08 4:51 pm
cassbid point 2 has problem.
If the ticket not bought from CX, you also can ask your travel agent to input your Asiamiles membership number, then you also can online check-in at least 48 hours before departure
2007-02-06 10:22 am
If you are really so wanted to take the window seat, there is another way to request those seats other then checking-in early... People use to say that you will get what you want if you check-in way in advance... It use to be the case, but no longer is... As there are now so many ways to reserve a seat... And here are the ways which you can reserve a seat in advance:
1) To ask your travel agency to reserve a seat as you book your ticket... They are usually pretty happy to make the extra phone call for you to the airlines to get a seat reserved in advance...
2) To call the airlines local office... You can always call the airlines local office of your departure destinations... Just to tell them your ticket reference, and say that you would like to reserve a seat in advance... The airlines staff will be happy to deal with them... Just tell them you want a window seat or aside seat... And want a seat in the forward cabin or end of the jet...
3) Internet Check-in... This could only be done 48hours in advance but you will have a map of the aircraft you will fly and select the seat you would like... However, some airlines will have strict rules on online check-in which you may not necessary fit into those regulation...
4) For some airlines like Singapore Airlines... They will allow seat reservation online... But this only limited to passengers who have their mileage programme or have a e-ticket of the airlines...
For different airlines, there are different regulations regarding to online check-in... For airlines like Cathay Pacific and Singapore Airlines, they allow passenger to do online check-in as long as you fit into those requirement:
1) Passengers of their mileage programme... KrisFlyer for Singapore Airlines and Marco-Polo Club or AsiaMiles for Cathay Pacific...
2) Passengers who hold a e-ticket of those airlines... While for some other airlines... You can also do online check-in if you have a referene of the ticket and...
For these airlines, they will ask you to type in the passenger name and ticket reference to check-in online... And at the same time, you will also require to type in your passport number for reference as well...
And as you have done internet check-in... There are usually an express way at the airport to drop your bag and to pick up your boarding pass... And in some other airlines, they will even allow you to print off your boarding pass a you do internet check-in...

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