please!quick~(plu 10 marks)

2007-02-06 5:57 am
'建起具規模的二千多座冰雪雕刻。舉行的太陽島雪雕藝術博覽會,上演哈爾濱冰燈遊園會,參加彩燈大世界遊園會,參加煙花晚會、花車巡遊及猜燈謎等活動,也會舉辦朝鮮民族舞蹈、跆拳道比賽及高麗街韓國美食週等節目' english is what?

回答 (1)

2007-02-06 6:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
... building of over two thousand magnificent ice sculptures. On "Sun Island" where the ice sculpture exhibition will be held, there will also be a Harbin ice-lantern carnival, world-wide lantern exhibition, fire-works, decorative cars, and lantern triva games. There will also be Korean folk dances, Tai-Kwon-Do competition as well as Korean Food Week festival.
參考: myself

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