✔ 最佳答案
不可將它直譯為 sing karaoke; 可以說 go to the karaoke launge (也可用 parlour / box)
Karaoke 的日文原意只是指那些伴唱音樂 (music only), 而廣東話的 唱K 或 飲茶, 其實是簡化了「到一個地方去做一些事」的意思, 所以, 我們不可說 drink tea, 要說 go to the restaurant; 也不可說 sing k, 要說 go to the karaoke launge. 以下是香港政府新聞網站的例句:
Anti-smoking law passed
The Smoking (Public Health) (Amendment) Bill 2005 was passed into law in the Legislative Council today. From January 1, public indoor areas must be smoke-free. The smoking ban includes restaurants, offices, schools, hospitals, markets, karaoke parlours and bars.
2007-02-06 09:58:52 補充:
correction: 是 karaoke LoUNGE, 不是 launge
2007-02-12 20:59:36 補充:
記得是 lounge, 非 launge (launge 是另一個字)