
2007-02-06 4:32 am
Wht is indicator and wht's that for???

(不要copy 網......keep it simple plz)

回答 (2)

2007-02-06 4:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
indicator係用黎測試一個化學反應既end point~
例如acid-base indicator~
例如用hydrogen carbonate indicator~可以測試二氧化碳既存在~

參考: 自己
2007-02-06 4:47 am
An indicator is a chemical substance that is used in titration to indicate the equivalence point. It is either a weak base or a weak acid. When undissociated, the indicator is one color, but at and after equivalence point, the indicator dissociates and becomes a different color.

HIn (aq) <--> H+(aq) + In- (aq)
Color A Color B
(color in acid solution) ( color in alkali solution)

When using an indicator, it is best to use one that has a pH range that the equivalence point of the titration is within. Or else the indicator would not indicate anything.

An example of indicators would be:
Phenolphthalein, pH range 8.3 - 10.0, is used for titrations with strong bases
Methyl orange. pH range 3.1 - 4.4, is used for titrations with strong acids
參考: Me, Chemistry for the IB Diploma

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