change it to English (urgen) 20marks

2007-02-06 1:55 am
雲吞麵一碗 涼拌海帶絲, 蘋果一個
糙米飯, 涼拌西洋芹菜, 味噌湯, 楊桃一個
小餐包 2 個、烚蛋一隻, 齋啡一杯, 大蕃茄一個
糙米飯, 炒草菇, 冬瓜湯一碗, 橙一個
糙米飯, 灼西 蘭 花, 洋蔥炒蛋, 金針湯, 奇異果一個
吞拿魚三明治, 沙律一盤, 蘋果一個
糙米飯 3 / 4 碗,白灼菜心, 清蒸魚半條, 冬瓜湯, 雪梨一個
全麥多士 2 片, 烚蛋 2 個,
胚芽飯 3 / 4 碗, 銀芽雞絲,青瓜炒蒟蒻, 白蘿蔔湯, 橙一個
糙米飯 3 / 4 碗,灼豆苗, 涼拌竹筍, 絲瓜湯, 士多啤梨 10 個
灼蜀米一條, 小餐包一個, 齋啡一杯
糙米飯 3 / 4 一碗, 清蒸魚半條, 涼拌西洋芹菜, 菠菜湯, 楊桃 1 個
糙米飯 3 / 4 碗, 炒芥蘭, 滷豆干 4 片, 清蒸排骨,蘋果一個
全麥多士 2 片, 蒸蛋, 齋啡一杯
茄汁牛肉麵, 涼拌青瓜, 木瓜半個
糙米飯碗, 蕃茄蛋,炒油麥菜, 苦瓜湯、奇異果兩個
please help me today

回答 (4)

2007-02-06 2:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 bowl of wonton noodle, sliced jelly-fish, 1 apple.
1 bowl of raw rice, stir-mixed celery, miso soup, carambola,
2 bread roll, 1 boiled egg, 1 cup of black coffee (or Espresso), 1 tomato,
raw rice, stir-fried straw mushroom, melon soup, orange,
raw rice, boiled broccoli, stir-fried egg with onion, day lily soup, 1 kiwi,
1 bowl of rice proridge, fried egg, boiled vegetable,
tuna sandwich, a platter of salad, apple,
3 quarter bowl of, boiled Choy-sum, half of a steamed fish, melon soup, ya pear.
2 loaves of wholemeal toasts, 2 boiled eggs,
菠菜湯=spinach soup
灼粟米=boiled corn
滷豆干=dried marinaded tofu
茄汁牛肉麵=ketchup beef noodle
白蘿蔔湯=white carrot soup
苦瓜湯=bitter melon soup
清蒸排骨=steamed pork rib
竹筍=bamboo shoots
2007-02-06 2:15 am
clown seems doing a good job... 雲吞麵 is translated as 'cloud swallows surface'.... What a creative guy!!!
2007-02-06 2:07 am
The cloud swallows surface bowl cold food in sauce fine-shredded edible seaweed, apple coarse rice, the cold food in sauce Western world celery, the taste scolds the soup slightly, carambola meal wraps 2, 烚 egg, a black coffee cup, big tomato coarse rice, fries the straw mushroom, a winter melon soup bowl, orange coarse rice west, burns the orchid, the onion scrambled eggs, Jin Chent'ang, a strange fruit rice congee bowl, fried egg, burn the green vegetables to swallow takes the fish sandwich, salad, apple coarse rice 3/4 bowls, burns the vegetable heart in vain, steamed fish half, the winter melon soup, Sydney entire wheat toast 2 pieces, 烚 egg 2, the plumule food 3/4 bowls, the silver bud shredded chicken, the blue melon fries 蒟蒻, Bai Lo? the soup, orange coarse rice 3/4 bowls, burn the bean seedling, the cold food in sauce bamboo shoots, the snake gourd soup, strawberry 10 burn Suchuan rice, is small meal wraps, black coffee cup of coarse rice 3/41 bowls, steamed fish half, the cold food in sauce Western world celery, the spinach vegetable soup, the carambola 1 coarse rice 3/4 bowls, fries 芥蘭, the halogen dried beans 4 pieces, steam the spareribs, Apple entire wheat toast 2 pieces, steam the egg, black coffee cup of tomato sauce cows 肉麵, the cold food in sauce blue melon, the Chinese flowering quince half unpolished rice rice bowl, the tomato egg, fries 油麥 the vegetable, the balsam pear soup, strange fruit two
參考: correct the little points by yourself!!
2007-02-06 2:02 am
Too much to translate for 20 points!!!

A bowl of wonton soup, marinated sliced jelly fish, one apple
糙米飯???, marinated celery, miso soup, one star fruit

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