
2007-02-05 8:51 pm
有冇人養緊洛威呢?我正考濾養一隻,主要是看門口的.要注意甚麽同難不難教呢? 邊度買好呢?


Can you tell me the details for the 洛威 baby of your friend? Have male? Some pic? Thanks.


I only want the male one. Anyways, thank you very much. I will look for others.

回答 (3)

2007-02-05 10:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我有朋友剛剛生左一胎呀, 如果真的想要幫你 check 1 check

2007-02-05 16:19:59 補充:
洛威娜已經唔准入口啦! 只有本地繁殖。

2007-02-07 12:26:35 補充:
Total 8, 2 male 6 Female.....but I think they will not sold out the male..because too less, for the pic and price will come back to you, and pls wait, since the BB too small they don't want that BB leave the mum so early
2007-02-06 3:06 am
yes! in Tailand
2007-02-05 9:41 pm
我知道有隻洛威好乖, 等緊人收養, 向AAC, 你可以問下, 起碼唔係用錢買, 又可以幫多一隻狗仔, 不過你養狗之前要應要考慮清楚, 你養佢除左要佢同你看門口之外, 對佢一定要好, 唔可以虐待佢喎, 俾佢有安全的地方住, 要有足夠及健康的食物, 有必要時都要帶佢睇醫生, 你可以睇以下網址

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