
2007-02-05 8:05 pm
我會考得6分,叫做5科合格,chi(e),maths(e),econ(e),comm(e),eng(d) ,
讀完F.5去左YMCA讀左1年既DIPLOMA OF BUSINESS STUDIES,不過因為ACC唔PASS所以拎唔到張DIP,依家想繼續進修,想慢慢讀上去D TOP UP dgree,不過唔知點入手...
我都有上網睇過d university入面既advanced diploma,我想讀返business個方面d野...
1. hku space既advanced diploma in management studies
(不過佢冇寫明可以升上去讀top up dgree 個d)
2. hkust既advanced diploma in business administration
(由於佢既上堂地點真係好遠,金鐘同西貢,再加上佢要考左個toefl先比可以升上去,我d英 文又麻麻地,又怕考唔到)

回答 (3)

2007-02-06 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
HKU SPACE has top up BA degree course for Adv Dip in Management Studies

MS 19-601-00 (63) / (71) / (72)
Bachelor of Management Studies

Faculty of Business and Economics, HKU

Enquiry 查詢: 2867 8321
Fax 傳真: 2861 0278
Email 電郵: [email protected]

Course Start Date 開課日期: 18 Mar 2007


Online Enrolment and Payment
Applications only accepted from holders of HKU SPACE Advanced Diploma in Management Studies.

We offer this programme in collaboration with the Faculty of Business and Economics, HKU. This is a part-time programme covering 30 courses, that are taken over 10 terms of study. It must be completed within 6 years.

Entry Requirements
Applicants should

comply with the General Regulations of HKU (visit http://www.hku.hk/student/pubmedia/uregcourse/ for more details); and
(i) hold an Advanced Diploma in Management Studies awarded by HKU SPACE; and
(ii) have at least 2 years' working experience.
satisfy the examiners in a qualifying examination, if required.

HKU SPACE Learrning Centre

Day(s) / Time
Weekday evenings and weekends

10 terms of study. 11 weeks of lectures per term. Up to a maximum of 6 years. (3 courses per term)


Course Fee: Basic Level courses: $4,000 per course; Intermediate and Advanced Level courses: $4,950 per course
Application Fee: $350, non-refundable

Medium of Instruction
English, except for Chinese and English Communication, where Chinese is used.

Closing Date for Application
15 Jan 07 for Mar 07 intake (MS 19-601-00/63); 15 May 07 for Jul 07 intake (MS 19-601-00/71); 15 Sept 07 for Nov 07 intake (MS 19-601-00/72)
2007-02-05 9:04 pm
2007-02-05 8:10 pm

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