我想買基金中的基金fund of the fund 好嗎?

2007-02-05 5:58 pm

回答 (2)

2007-02-06 12:51 am
✔ 最佳答案

2007-02-09 17:04:01 補充:
這隻HSBC基金和HSBC的其他基金中的基金(HSBC Highlight Series)不同,其他基金是類似強積金的人生階段基金的做法,每隻基金定了不同的股債比例,靈活性低很多,是用資產配置形式作長線投資的,而這一隻的基金經理是以短線炒賣為主,所以不能比較。
2007-02-05 8:40 pm
1. if the fund you selected is fund of fund, then the mangement company will charge you a management fee on top of the fees charged by the original fund house.
The advantage is almost all fund of fund or mirror fund providing daily trade.

2. all investment products cannot be put aside for ten years as market is keep changing. A regular review is definitely good to you.

3. no one can tell you the return of a fund ten years later. As I said, you need to have regular review on your investment product.

4. the risk of the product has to associate with your risk attitude which could be assessed via answer to a simply list of question.

Finally, it would be great to you to consult a professional body such as investment advisor with qualification license.

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