Account 課程咁多點選擇個適合自己的?

2007-02-05 5:04 pm
咁如果要讀account 既課程又想搵些適合自己的
If 讀課程搵大學or IVE ?

回答 (3)

2007-02-12 9:01 pm
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上面的都不是會計師! ACCA will no longer be recognized very soon as ACCA refuse to be accessed in Hong Kong Institute of CPA's. AIA has no longer be recongnized also (in 2006), HKAAT (not AAT) need to go a conversation course, than to QP for the HKICPA.

For you, if you have not any qualification, the most fast way to be a CPA is to go Open Univesity of HK. For cheap, HKAAT, for quality, HKU Advanced Diploma + HKU Degree,( but it take very long time), for easy, have an Australian University easy school, go ASCPA than go HKICPA.
2007-02-08 11:55 pm
ACCA、AIA、AAT 這三個那一個的認可較高?ACCA. This is an international professional accounting body. Can achieve to be a qualified accountant.

那一個地位較大?ACCA. Even lots of people have never heard "AIA" for accounting too. Just know for insurance. In addition, AIA is for non-accounting backgroup professional only.

咁如果要讀account 既課程又想搵些適合自己的 點選擇?Depend your finance, education background and communication skill. If you don't have those three problems, you can do a degree. However, if you don't want to be a qualified accountant. I suggest that you better do AAT only.

If 讀課程搵大學or IVE ?那一間認可較高? Of course UNI la! You can get lots of exemption for ACCA if you complete the degree.

2007-02-13 09:45:00 補充:
Miss Helen, ACCA is recongnised by HKICPA again. For details please refer: There still have agreement which is effective from Year 2006. The ACCA was not recognised by HKICPA for the past few years.

2007-02-13 09:48:10 補充:
Also, for Helen. The CPA of Australia is CPAA (CPA Australia) NOT ASCPA. ASCPA is not longer at all for few years. Please kindly up-dated your information before your answer. Thanks! If she would like the most economy way to do any aussie degree, she can try Australis Open University.
2007-02-08 8:54 pm
It depends what level u r. E.g. U r a degree holder then go ACCA. If u had a dip then go AAT or AIA. Of course ACCA is better. But some people find it hard some people don't. So, HKICPA is more local now and more world reconized than ACCA. If u want to go university in HK, try local university. It is hard to get in. IVE still can still recongized by employer (most of them in HK). Good luck. If u had more qu, drop a line. I am currently taking ACCA 5 courses left. and I find it so so. not hard and not easy. Depend on ur job whether u had time to study.

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